Verse & Visions
Advent, Christmas and Epiphany
a volume of 12 images paired with poems which I created over the last 40 years
as vehicles to contemplate profound aspects of the season

"From Dust Block by Block" collage and digital painting, 2011

"Mirror in the Manger" collage and digital painting, 2017

"The Manger Cave" collage, digital painting, sculpture, photography, 1994-2019

"Loose Weave on White" processed photography, 2003-2019
As upon earth
White blankets lie,
She wrapped the covers
'Round God's fragile form
Lest cold exposure kill
The virgin's child;
In simple weave she clothed him,
Caring all she knew
Away from home
For a first child:
Dressed him
'Til he took the road.
Outside they stripped him
And might have left him:
So, there she wrapped him
Inside a tomb.
Lying folded respectfully
Upon the cold stone bed,
That gauze he set apart announcing
The waking of the dead.
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