The process of creating an editorial cartoon which became a motion graphics video

The initial sketch. Raw passion of just wanting to unmask the antagonist and depose him. But the evolution of captions that took place as I worked shows a progression: "Pray for our liberation" (from him) - "Pray for his liberation" (so that he will leave us) - See the final caption below.

Note change in top right chain and addition of "Avarice" chain.

Final caption from "the Lord's Prayer." I remembered that we all are bound by our faults. This person represents us (Americans) and it is too easy to lay all the blame on the antagonist. Forgiving ourselves and our enemies is an essential step in turning away from evil and transforming to a better state (usually resulting in a drastic change of status for many).
Realizing this would be viewed mostly on small screens and few would zoom in to read the chains, I decided to do it for them with After Effects supported by music. The music is meant to help a thoughtful viewing and is drawn from the inspirations of Philip Glass, Stravinsky, Irving Fine and others.